jancient: yellow 2
jancient: tat 2
jancient: susan
jancient: New tat
jancient: John adding yellow
jancient: John
jancient: Rori adding the red
jancient: And it hurt...
jancient: Lenny and Susan
jancient: Lenny starts the mole
jancient: Susan's mole
jancient: The outline
jancient: I think she's ok...
jancient: Lenny goes to work...
jancient: Moldy Warp
jancient: Moldy
jancient: outline of the Moldy Warp
jancient: Two organs down...lots to go.
jancient: The black part's done...
jancient: Rori does a lung...
jancient: I asked for a break...
jancient: Health fetishes...a heart and a lung.
jancient: Finally finished this thing off...
jancient: ...but poke firmly with sharp stick in case I'm just napping.
jancient: Nothing left to go but the blood spots...