Tom Stanley Janca: The Great White Egret Chasing Fish.
Tom Stanley Janca: Brown Pelicans comming home from a days fishing.
Tom Stanley Janca: Yellow Footed Egrets Teaches Young What And Where To Eat
Tom Stanley Janca: A Black Neck Stilt Up To His Knees In Water.
Tom Stanley Janca: Black Neck Stilt Stalking a Bug.
Tom Stanley Janca: An American Kestrel Eating a Grasshopper.
Tom Stanley Janca: Canadian Goose Ready for Take Off.
Tom Stanley Janca: Quick Action Saves American Avocet Chicks
Tom Stanley Janca: Charley Brown Pelican. (Warning This Photo will Give you Vertigo)
Tom Stanley Janca: Do this ! A triple neck twist.
Tom Stanley Janca: Sand Hill Cranes coming to roost.
Tom Stanley Janca: Road Runner On Field of Plantain.
Tom Stanley Janca: American Avocet in Mating colors.
Tom Stanley Janca: The After Glow And Promise Together Forever
Tom Stanley Janca: Snow Geese In Arizona
Tom Stanley Janca: Eat Or Be Eaten, But I Didn't Want To Be The One Eaten.
Tom Stanley Janca: Black Neck Stilts Before Dinner Stroll.
Tom Stanley Janca: ARIZONA OFSPREY
Tom Stanley Janca: The Green Heron
Tom Stanley Janca: A Flying American Avocet
Tom Stanley Janca: Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger)
Tom Stanley Janca: Greythorne With Hummingbird
Tom Stanley Janca: A White Crowned Sparrow
Tom Stanley Janca: Phainopepla Waiting an insect flyby
Tom Stanley Janca: Mocking Bird On Hackberry Perch
Tom Stanley Janca: A Flicker On Flicker
Tom Stanley Janca: Belted Kingfisher Out On A Limb.
Tom Stanley Janca: Ruby Crowned Kinglet
Tom Stanley Janca: Black Birds Escaping The Pie.
Tom Stanley Janca: Verdins Making A New Nest.