Jana Bouc: Faces-1-LM
Jana Bouc: Aileen2
Jana Bouc: Aileen1
Jana Bouc: Aileen3
Jana Bouc: Fake Dane's Portrait
Jana Bouc: 2006 New Year's Eve Self-Portrait
Jana Bouc: Judith by Me 2
Jana Bouc: Boy from the movie Slam
Jana Bouc: Susie by Me
Jana Bouc: Richard-Florio-parrot-web
Jana Bouc: Faces3-JMcG
Jana Bouc: Faces-2-JMc
Jana Bouc: Francis-Grisaille underpainting started
Jana Bouc: Francis-blocking in
Jana Bouc: Francis-Getting started
Jana Bouc: Francis-sketch on toned canvas
Jana Bouc: Francis-Grisaille underpainting done
Jana Bouc: Portrait Swap: Ujwala, Monochrome
Jana Bouc: Portrait Swap: Ujwala, Watercolor
Jana Bouc: Squinting to see the light
Jana Bouc: Noses (catching a cold)
Jana Bouc: BART Riders
Jana Bouc: NOT as seen on TV
Jana Bouc: 1st Sketch of N.
Jana Bouc: 1st Sketch of R.
Jana Bouc: Nel 2
Jana Bouc: Nel 3
Jana Bouc: Nel 4
Jana Bouc: Nel again (#6)
Jana Bouc: Andy