J-Blue: Lining up for the carosel
J-Blue: Schroeder's piano
J-Blue: Carosel full of Santas
J-Blue: Santa family
J-Blue: Santa blanket
J-Blue: Watching the carosel
J-Blue: Elf and reindeer
J-Blue: Photo op
J-Blue: Near the Washington Monument
J-Blue: Encircling the Washington Monument
J-Blue: Drinkin' Santas
J-Blue: Jen as Santa
J-Blue: Bagpipe Santa!
J-Blue: Rat pack Santa
J-Blue: A Charlie Brown Christmas
J-Blue: Marie Antionette Santa
J-Blue: Getting the costume right
J-Blue: Approaching Lincoln
J-Blue: Santas on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial
J-Blue: Dreidel!