jamspangle: senegal thick-knees
jamspangle: grey headed kingfisher in branches
jamspangle: hooded vulture taking off
jamspangle: yellow billed shrikes
jamspangle: yellow billed shrike perched
jamspangle: tawny flanked prinia
jamspangle: tawny flanked prinia
jamspangle: Bulbul
jamspangle: long tailed nightjar
jamspangle: Blue-cheeked Bee-eater. juv (i think)
jamspangle: sengal coucal
jamspangle: western reef heron
jamspangle: lanner falcon and hooded vulture
jamspangle: harrier hawk in flight
jamspangle: firefinch pair
jamspangle: cordon bleu female and wheel
jamspangle: yellow crowned gonolek
jamspangle: grey headed gull take off
jamspangle: female firefinch
jamspangle: bronze mannekins pre-cuddle
jamspangle: tawny eagle mobbed
jamspangle: plantain dive
jamspangle: pied crow showing off
jamspangle: whoops
jamspangle: whoops
jamspangle: redshank from car
jamspangle: redshank
jamspangle: young heron