jamradiojam: St Pancras Station
jamradiojam: St Pancras Station
jamradiojam: Inside the British Library
jamradiojam: Outside the British Library
jamradiojam: Conveyor belt sushi!
jamradiojam: It's actually more complicated than you might think.
jamradiojam: I think I did pretty well.
jamradiojam: Window display outside Selfridges
jamradiojam: St Pancras Station
jamradiojam: Jump on da Bixi!
jamradiojam: London Eye
jamradiojam: DSC_0324
jamradiojam: DSC_0341
jamradiojam: Richard the Lionheart and his sweet ride (both of them)
jamradiojam: Westminster Abbey
jamradiojam: Westminster Abbey