jampa: Varig Vazia
jampa: TAM Lotada
jampa: Gol Lotada
jampa: Biretô únicô
jampa: What time is it?
jampa: There's no escape!
jampa: Go looking for flying saucer in the sky!
jampa: this is not for me
jampa: i love airport. and planes.
jampa: chaminés fofas
jampa: é do outro lado, sir
jampa: more blur
jampa: blur
jampa: .
jampa: flofs!
jampa: It's so beauty!
jampa: the king
jampa: the book
jampa: i love the underground
jampa: daslu is a small fish.
jampa: yeah!
jampa: floor!
jampa: signs!
jampa: the office
jampa: look right, ok?
jampa: more lights!
jampa: =^)
jampa: traditional
jampa: lights and colours
jampa: yeah, man