Eimaje: Nikolas tries his mono and metate skills
Eimaje: Cafferty the weaver
Eimaje: Hovenweep Ruin
Eimaje: Hovenweep Ruins
Eimaje: Rich, Cafferty and Nikolas at Hovenweep
Eimaje: Rabbit tourist
Eimaje: If I have to look at one more ruin, I am going to jump!
Eimaje: Hovenweep View
Eimaje: Hovenweep
Eimaje: Hovenweep's Twin Towers
Eimaje: On the plains
Eimaje: Let's enjoy the rainbow before we get poured on
Eimaje: Overlooking White House ruins
Eimaje: White House ruins
Eimaje: Canyon de Chelly
Eimaje: Canyon de Chelly
Eimaje: The weather is not cooperating.
Eimaje: Raining in Canyon de Chelly
Eimaje: Spider Rock
Eimaje: Nikolas on the rocks
Eimaje: Canyon de Chelly
Eimaje: King of the Mountain
Eimaje: Lightening strike
Eimaje: Cafferty and Nikolas at Canyon de Chelly
Eimaje: Antelope House Overlook
Eimaje: Antelope House Overlook
Eimaje: Antelope House Petroglyphs
Eimaje: Antelope House Overlook
Eimaje: Navajo Dwelling
Eimaje: Living in Canyon del Muerto