jamieroush: Zilla tries to take off.
jamieroush: Floppy ears.
jamieroush: Happy Zilla
jamieroush: DSCN1063
jamieroush: Off the couch? Yeah right.
jamieroush: I like my cage.
jamieroush: Brownies default position.
jamieroush: Brownie chills.
jamieroush: Nice girl. Yeah both of them.
jamieroush: Mmm. Rawhides.
jamieroush: Good stuff.
jamieroush: Good stuff on bed.
jamieroush: Is it big enough?
jamieroush: Happy boy.
jamieroush: Which coffe table book to read?
jamieroush: Hey, why does she get to be loose?
jamieroush: Cuties.
jamieroush: Jail Birds
jamieroush: Phone booth? VW Beatle? Everybody in!
jamieroush: Jen, I promise I won't do it again.
jamieroush: Not how I want to fly.
jamieroush: HPIM0007
jamieroush: HPIM0029
jamieroush: HPIM0030
jamieroush: HPIM0032
jamieroush: HPIM0034
jamieroush: HPIM0037
jamieroush: HPIM0038
jamieroush: HPIM0039