J and Won's life(Project 50): ya.. I know, it's for Happy Furry Friday...(29/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): Like my wild & crazy hairstyle?...(26/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): I love flowers, I love spring!...(24/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): Happy furry Friday. Yes, to you, not to me!...(22/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): Need some rest...(20/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): Happy Furry Fried Day...(15/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): Mean Machine...(6/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): Gotta make sure I look good even I'm stuck in the traffic...(4/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): Heaven helps...(2/50)
J and Won's life(Project 50): This is why we call it T.G.I.F.
J and Won's life(Project 50): "Stick for all my flickr friends!"
J and Won's life(Project 50): "J, what did you put on me? "
J and Won's life(Project 50): Can you please get this off me?
J and Won's life(Project 50): Poor B-day boy...
J and Won's life(Project 50): Does that Lab need a hand?
J and Won's life(Project 50): When it comes to 30C...
J and Won's life(Project 50): I know you do want to have a sister...
J and Won's life(Project 50): What r u doing there, Dad?