jamie;;: libby
jamie;;: libby and li, exploring
jamie;;: exploring tiny rocks on a tiny creek
jamie;;: sunny feet
jamie;;: mermaids
jamie;;: Man plans, God laughs. (jewish proverb)
jamie;;: how the hell you gonna keep them down on the farm?
jamie;;: we are special
jamie;;: summer reading
jamie;;: Smokey the Dog
jamie;;: a tennessee dawn
jamie;;: apples in the summer, peaches in the fall, if i can't have all of you, i don't want none at all.
jamie;;: libby's farm tyme bed
jamie;;: June on the farm
jamie;;: if had known you were coming, i'd a baked a cake
jamie;;: Lisa at the farm
jamie;;: i wish i had a nickel, i wish i had a dime, i wish i had a pretty boy to kiss me all the time
jamie;;: naked farm baby
jamie;;: you are pretty, you are witty, you are single, what a pity, i am single, for your sake, what a couple, we would make.
jamie;;: when I get back, this room better be picked up