jamie;;: Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, turn around ... Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, touch the ground
jamie;;: I can do a tap dance I can do a split I can do the polka just like this
jamie;;: lisa, canaille
jamie;;: Sunday in the French Quarter
jamie;;: simple
jamie;;: a tisket a tasket, let's hide mamma's rubber basket
jamie;;: jackson, mississippi
jamie;;: when you were gone
jamie;;: no more school, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks!
jamie;;: there's a better life and you think about it, don't you
jamie;;: i don't know what it means to miss new orleans
jamie;;: lisa and boombox
jamie;;: Pretty ladies jump rope in the french quarter to raise money for Olive the cat
jamie;;: sepia of lisa
jamie;;: Blackbird, Brooklyn Green parrot squawk, flatbush Flatbush, this is how we talk
jamie;;: this is the house that jack built, yall
jamie;;: parking lot in mississippi
jamie;;: Aviva girl
jamie;;: Don't let them ropes mess you up
jamie;;: devin
jamie;;: I'm a little hippey.... dressed in blue... here are the things I like to do... spit at the captain... kick the queen... burn my draft card for the US Marines.
jamie;;: I tell time by the moon. Lunar, not solar.
jamie;;: Mississippi
jamie;;: row row row your boat