jamie.lettau: Toys: organized by Aiden
jamie.lettau: "Car!"
jamie.lettau: Goofy grin
jamie.lettau: Animal card light saber
jamie.lettau: Aiden and his animal cards
jamie.lettau: Watching himself make silly faces at the camera.
jamie.lettau: "hmm, what's this?"
jamie.lettau: "A cheese curd, you say?"
jamie.lettau: "Hmm... I guess I'll try it."
jamie.lettau: "Um... NO!"
jamie.lettau: Playing with letters.
jamie.lettau: Playing with blocks.
jamie.lettau: Playing with pillows.
jamie.lettau: Aiden found a new place to sit whilst building with Legos (it's the Lego box).
jamie.lettau: Building a Lego city all by himself.
jamie.lettau: "Hmmm... Now where is that Lego I was looking for?"
jamie.lettau: Aiden, wearing my gloves