jamie.lettau: Giggling
jamie.lettau: Running in the meadow
jamie.lettau: The Lettaus
jamie.lettau: Haley and Aiden
jamie.lettau: Pulling weeds
jamie.lettau: Silly grin
jamie.lettau: Aiden in his orange hat
jamie.lettau: Looking at the pretty plants
jamie.lettau: Examining a dandelion
jamie.lettau: Happy to be outside
jamie.lettau: "I love it up here!"
jamie.lettau: "What? So I like to play in the leaves."
jamie.lettau: Examining bark
jamie.lettau: Getting dirty
jamie.lettau: "Are you really going to make me wear this stupid hat?"
jamie.lettau: Wearing Katelynns hair band
jamie.lettau: "Hmm... what was I going to do?"
jamie.lettau: Curious
jamie.lettau: Aiden does not like pineapple
jamie.lettau: "What did you give me?"
jamie.lettau: Bath time is OVER
jamie.lettau: Aiden found the TP
jamie.lettau: "Hi. Whatcha doin' over there?"
jamie.lettau: "May I please have some more?"
jamie.lettau: All smiles
jamie.lettau: "Rrrrrr...."
jamie.lettau: Resting
jamie.lettau: Very concerned about Elmo
jamie.lettau: Playing with Daddy
jamie.lettau: Digging in the sand