jamie.lettau: "Hmm.. what's this?"
jamie.lettau: "I found one!!!"
jamie.lettau: "Hmm.. what is this? Chocolate!!!"
jamie.lettau: "This is soooo good!"
jamie.lettau: Hunting for eggs
jamie.lettau: Taking 5
jamie.lettau: Leo hunting for eggs
jamie.lettau: "Delicious!"
jamie.lettau: Opening eggs - chocolates falling out
jamie.lettau: More eating than hunting
jamie.lettau: Aiden and his Easter basket
jamie.lettau: Opening eggs - finding chocolates
jamie.lettau: "Whaaaaaat?!?!?!"
jamie.lettau: Gift: Star Wars book
jamie.lettau: "Hmm... what ya got there?"
jamie.lettau: Like father, like son.
jamie.lettau: Easter baskets
jamie.lettau: Basket for Aiden
jamie.lettau: Basket for Jamie and Ty
jamie.lettau: Basket for Norah
jamie.lettau: Basket for Leo
jamie.lettau: Ty, wearing Norah's apron
jamie.lettau: "Hmm... what card will I lead?"
jamie.lettau: Andy, reading to Aiden and Norah
jamie.lettau: Norah, playing with bubbles
jamie.lettau: "Look! Bubbles!"
jamie.lettau: "Wow! Bubbles!!"
jamie.lettau: "Whoa!"
jamie.lettau: Silly grin