jamie.lettau: Smiley
jamie.lettau: Aide and Haley
jamie.lettau: "I'm ready for my close up."
jamie.lettau: Mom and Aiden
jamie.lettau: Say Cheese!
jamie.lettau: Daddy ad Aiden
jamie.lettau: The Lettaus
jamie.lettau: Our "Christmas Tree" with presents
jamie.lettau: Christmas Eve Dinner
jamie.lettau: Lisa and Aiden
jamie.lettau: Christmas Eve Dinner
jamie.lettau: Christmas Eve Dinner
jamie.lettau: Christmas Eve Dinner
jamie.lettau: A whole lot of Apple goin' on
jamie.lettau: Opening presents
jamie.lettau: A proposed trade in progress... a lot to think about.
jamie.lettau: The Thimble
jamie.lettau: Wooden toy activity block
jamie.lettau: Aiden and the snowman
jamie.lettau: Trying to open presents early
jamie.lettau: Opening presents
jamie.lettau: "Hey, this almost matches my shirt!"
jamie.lettau: Playing with toys
jamie.lettau: Opening presents
jamie.lettau: "Wait! There's MORE presents?!!"
jamie.lettau: Playing with toys
jamie.lettau: Getting sleepy
jamie.lettau: Nap time
jamie.lettau: "Hey, what's over here?!"
jamie.lettau: Wooden sound and color blocks