jamie.lettau: "He he he. I'm in Haley's bed"
jamie.lettau: "Uh oh!"
jamie.lettau: "Don't tell Mom I'm in Haley's bed"
jamie.lettau: But Mom, I don't wanna stop playing with the DVDs!!
jamie.lettau: First time in the swing
jamie.lettau: I love the swing!!!
jamie.lettau: Happy first Halloween everyone!!
jamie.lettau: "Hooray for Halloween!"
jamie.lettau: "Hehehehehe!"
jamie.lettau: Smily boy
jamie.lettau: "I'm so happy!"
jamie.lettau: "Hmm..."
jamie.lettau: Aiden in the "pumpkin patch"
jamie.lettau: Perusing the Kaukauna Times
jamie.lettau: "I had a great trip!"
jamie.lettau: "Oh hai!"
jamie.lettau: Crazy hair
jamie.lettau: Playing peek-a-boo from behind the chair
jamie.lettau: "Heeeey youuuu guuuys!!"
jamie.lettau: "Could I be wearing any more hats!"
jamie.lettau: "Time to brush my teeth. Hooray!"
jamie.lettau: "I love brushing my teeth. It's my favorite!"
jamie.lettau: Peek-a-boo
jamie.lettau: "This helps my teeth feel better!"
jamie.lettau: Playing with shoes and Haley's leash
jamie.lettau: Gently playing with his lion
jamie.lettau: "Hrmph"
jamie.lettau: "Oh hai!"