jamie {74}: let your heart guide you. it whispers, so listen closely.
jamie {74}: emerge
jamie {74}: what i dream of is an art of balance
jamie {74}: we now resume the crabapple obsession
jamie {74}: billowy
jamie {74}: i ache from the perfumes of spring
jamie {74}: well hello, bud
jamie {74}: the earth has music for those who listen
jamie {74}: love affair.
jamie {74}: things fall apart, the centre cannot hold
jamie {74}: smile, breathe, and go slowly
jamie {74}: one touch of nature makes the whole world kin
jamie {74}: the gothic crab bedazzled
jamie {74}: full swing spring {+ 1 in comments}
jamie {74}: Let ’em dream long as they want to … of June somewhere on the Erie line … and crabapple blossoms.
jamie {74}: NOT crabby crabapple. not even in the slightest of crabby moods.
jamie {74}: an optimist is the human personification of spring