jamie {74}: afternoon cuppa joe
jamie {74}: t r a d i t i o n
jamie {74}: rainy morning coffee
jamie {74}: 8/31: Simplicity
jamie {74}: 2/31: Cozy
jamie {74}: a coffee kind of morning
jamie {74}: the perfect pour
jamie {74}: on the breakfast table
jamie {74}: scene from a friday night
jamie {74}: glorious mug
jamie {74}: I woke up this morning, smiled at the rising sun.
jamie {74}: have you had yours today? { + 1 in comments }
jamie {74}: coffee mug {1}
jamie {74}: iconic cup
jamie {74}: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
jamie {74}: Nothing is worth more than this day. ~ Goethe
jamie {74}: ...if i were in marketing...
jamie {74}: rainy day in provo
jamie {74}: coffee mug {2}
jamie {74}: coffee mug {3} + 2 in comments
jamie {74}: they couldn't be lovelier
jamie {74}: i had some dreams they were clouds in my coffee
jamie {74}: the anticipation of frothed milk
jamie {74}: is there life before coffee?
jamie {74}: the way i see it
jamie {74}: cheers to you meg!
jamie {74}: ah coffee, the sweet balm by which we shall accomplish today's tasks
jamie {74}: light and steam
jamie {74}: laugh it up
jamie {74}: nothing in life is ritual