jamie {74}: there is the hidden presence of others in us
jamie {74}: lengthening afternoons of long flowing dusk, and midnight rain opening lilacs
jamie {74}: smile, breathe, and go slowly
jamie {74}: i don't think of all the misery, but of all the beauty that still remains
jamie {74}: big city fence
jamie {74}: like diamonds falling to a jeweller's felt
jamie {74}: g r a v i t y
jamie {74}: whiteout conditions
jamie {74}: beauty is whatever gives joy
jamie {74}: city alight
jamie {74}: city alight II
jamie {74}: kiss of the sun
jamie {74}: finding great pleasure in the simple things in life
jamie {74}: a lonely leaf seeks solace in dew
jamie {74}: 3/31: Beauty Unexpected
jamie {74}: we belong to the light
jamie {74}: it's never quite as it seems
jamie {74}: have you any dreams you'd like to sell?
jamie {74}: We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
jamie {74}: {blartsy provo}
jamie {74}: memento