jamie {74}: w o n d e r m e n t
jamie {74}: s p o k e n . f o r .
jamie {74}: summer's end
jamie {74}: autumn's carpet
jamie {74}: 19/31: Scattered
jamie {74}: 18/31: anything is possible, anything can be
jamie {74}: third time's a charm
jamie {74}: a quiet moment
jamie {74}: they wear them well {+3 in comments}
jamie {74}: {the glamour-pusses}
jamie {74}: Hammie McHam-a-lots storm Anthropologie (+2 in comments)
jamie {74}: first and third
jamie {74}: Respect the child. Be not too much his parent. Trespass not on his solitude. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson { + two in comments}
jamie {74}: "raise your hand if you're having fuuuuuuuunnnnnnnn!"
jamie {74}: playdate!
jamie {74}: bubble love
jamie {74}: { secret } + 1 in comments
jamie {74}: { secret language }
jamie {74}: three stooges
jamie {74}: girls with daisy swimsuits and carefree happiness
jamie {74}: sharing is caring
jamie {74}: popsicles (monochrome version)
jamie {74}: popsicles {color version}
jamie {74}: typical boy
jamie {74}: jane's day
jamie {74}: lovin' them some 'tom and jerry'
jamie {74}: stole-a-pola
jamie {74}: my girls at borough market ~ london
jamie {74}: Let me play in the sunshine; let me sing for joy; let me grow in the light; let me splash in the rain, and remember the days of childhood forever.
jamie {74}: hard to get