jamie {74}: the beauty of claire
jamie {74}: as long as there was coffee in the world, how bad could things be?
jamie {74}: with bits of sand on the lips and wind in the hair
jamie {74}: left pieces of her life behind her everywhere she went
jamie {74}: hold fast to your own soul
jamie {74}: just us again
jamie {74}: detour
jamie {74}: time, slow down
jamie {74}: checking out my bridesmaid's bouquet
jamie {74}: a little bling
jamie {74}: nothing in life is ritual
jamie {74}: laugh it up
jamie {74}: the intent onlooker
jamie {74}: light and steam
jamie {74}: crabhunter
jamie {74}: phalaenopsis
jamie {74}: there is the hidden presence of others in us
jamie {74}: water is the driving force of all nature
jamie {74}: girl with tattoo and oversized aviators
jamie {74}: ...and the other one that i love
jamie {74}: lazy summer mornings
jamie {74}: s p o k e n . f o r .
jamie {74}: in motion
jamie {74}: the bubble blower
jamie {74}: freckled skin and some (freckled) bokeh
jamie {74}: tied together by stuff too difficult to explain to someone new
jamie {74}: what i dream of is an art of balance
jamie {74}: pigtailed and stoic