jamie {74}: little ladybug
jamie {74}: ren's discovery
jamie {74}: focal daffy
jamie {74}: pensive ren 1
jamie {74}: pensive ren 2
jamie {74}: fall favorite
jamie {74}: ...more bokeh please...
jamie {74}: thumb love
jamie {74}: ...oh, to be a kid again...
jamie {74}: same wall...different day 1
jamie {74}: same wall...different day 2
jamie {74}: same wall...different day 1
jamie {74}: the wall 1
jamie {74}: the wall 2
jamie {74}: the wall 3
jamie {74}: the wall 5
jamie {74}: the wall 7
jamie {74}: the wall 8
jamie {74}: the wall 9
jamie {74}: the wall 10
jamie {74}: fish face at the wall
jamie {74}: smooch
jamie {74}: ...pure bliss...
jamie {74}: comfort bliss
jamie {74}: petosky stone girl
jamie {74}: daddy's sunglasses
jamie {74}: that right shoulder strap just won't cooperate today...
jamie {74}: best buds and a tattoo
jamie {74}: ...new ring...(not color)
jamie {74}: ...new ring...