jamie3529gq: sittin'
jamie3529gq: buzzbird
jamie3529gq: buzzbird
jamie3529gq: action shot
jamie3529gq: hummer
jamie3529gq: flying
jamie3529gq: flying
jamie3529gq: sitting
jamie3529gq: one on station, one outbound
jamie3529gq: what are you looking at? I am trying to eat here...
jamie3529gq: almost frozen....
jamie3529gq: a great model
jamie3529gq: you talkin' to me???
jamie3529gq: hungry
jamie3529gq: hand feeding
jamie3529gq: hand feeding
jamie3529gq: PICT9287
jamie3529gq: PICT9290
jamie3529gq: tough guy
jamie3529gq: PICT9635