jamie3529gq: more eagle pics.....
jamie3529gq: more eagle pics.....
jamie3529gq: more eagle pics.....
jamie3529gq: he's coming in through the sunroof any second now.....
jamie3529gq: more eagle shots, eh
jamie3529gq: more eagle shots
jamie3529gq: soar...
jamie3529gq: One Mean Lookin' Chicken
jamie3529gq: take off eh, ya hoser
jamie3529gq: eagle(s)
jamie3529gq: descent
jamie3529gq: glider
jamie3529gq: sunkissed
jamie3529gq: Glowing Eagle
jamie3529gq: another eagle shot.
jamie3529gq: Escape...
jamie3529gq: flyin'
jamie3529gq: yup - its another eagle
jamie3529gq: about to depart....
jamie3529gq: fish huntin'
jamie3529gq: failure
jamie3529gq: just before touchdown
jamie3529gq: decided on a go-around
jamie3529gq: incoming....
jamie3529gq: looking for prey..
jamie3529gq: landing softly
jamie3529gq: incoming with a fish
jamie3529gq: down it goes
jamie3529gq: satiated
jamie3529gq: poised for takeoff