Jami: orange spurt
Jami: new vans on the path
Jami: droopy stem
Jami: almost autumnal
Jami: gorgeous green swirl
Jami: everything is green all over
Jami: blurry stem, soupy sea
Jami: wild flower front
Jami: green bean soup
Jami: criss cross greens
Jami: the fullness
Jami: love this spidery plant
Jami: new berries
Jami: the unstoppable hummocks
Jami: hustle of the river
Jami: mountain in the corner
Jami: a nice little stream you got going there
Jami: that's a big thistle
Jami: pretty from a distance
Jami: spontaneous altars
Jami: purple power
Jami: sad little cloud cover
Jami: wildflowers knee high
Jami: cloud cover at end of the trail
Jami: stick it