willanjames: NYC stock exchange
willanjames: P1200019
willanjames: steam chimney
willanjames: P1200037
willanjames: P1200065
willanjames: hot dog
willanjames: artist time square
willanjames: time machine time square
willanjames: wall street station
willanjames: ground zero
willanjames: P1200150
willanjames: Crysler building
willanjames: P1200161 (2)
willanjames: P1200178
willanjames: P1200185
willanjames: manhatton and brooklyn
willanjames: P1200246
willanjames: looking up at the trees of the concreate junge
willanjames: freedom tower
willanjames: AT&T building (no windows)
willanjames: time square
willanjames: time square
willanjames: Wall Street subway
willanjames: P1200357
willanjames: statue of liberty
willanjames: P1200399
willanjames: P1200407 (2)
willanjames: Empire state building
willanjames: beer Authority