JamesV34: Part of the exterior gardens
JamesV34: Part of the exterior gardens
JamesV34: Waite Fountain
JamesV34: Waite Fountain
JamesV34: Waite Fountain
JamesV34: Waite Fountain
JamesV34: Walk of The Flags
JamesV34: Walk of The Flags
JamesV34: Walk of The Flags
JamesV34: Capitol Beaver Family sculpture
JamesV34: Douglas-fir "Moon Tree"
JamesV34: Douglas-fir "Moon Tree"
JamesV34: Oregon Veterans Medal of Honor Memorial
JamesV34: Oregon Veterans Medal of Honor Memorial
JamesV34: Chinook salmon above an entrance to the capitol building
JamesV34: A replica Liberty Bell, donated by the US Government to each state, received July 4, 1950
JamesV34: Walk of The Flags
JamesV34: Looking up in the rotunda
JamesV34: The rotunda
JamesV34: Oregon State Seal, sculpted in bronze by Ulric Ellerhusen
JamesV34: There are 33 stars, representing Oregon's place as the 33rd state to join the Union
JamesV34: Description: The great wagon train migration at The Dalles before departure for the Willamette Valley, 1843
JamesV34: Description: Captain Robert Gray and his ship, Columbia Rediviva, at the mouth of the River of the West, 1792
JamesV34: Description: Meriwether Lewis and William Clark with party at Celilo Falls on their way to the Pacific, 1805
JamesV34: Description: The first white women to cross the continent welcomed by Dr. McLoughlin at Fort Vancouver, 1836
JamesV34: Entrance to the House chamber (the Senate side is similar)
JamesV34: House chamber, custom carpet showing the Douglas-fir
JamesV34: House chamber, mural painted by Faulkner, depicting the 1843 Champoeg Meetings at which the provisional government was formed
JamesV34: House chamber, the furniture and paneling made of golden oak
JamesV34: Senate chamber, black walnut used for the paneling and furniture