James Tung: Sea of Galilee
James Tung: National flags of Taiwan and Israel on the Sea of Galilee
James Tung: Sea of Galilee
James Tung: Sea of Galilee
James Tung: do you see the cloud in fish shape?
James Tung: boat for cruisng on Galilee Lake
James Tung: the fish carving near by the Sea of Galilee
James Tung: ancient Galilee boat
James Tung: Church of the Multiplication
James Tung: Church of the Multiplication
James Tung: Church of the Multiplication
James Tung: Church of the Multiplication
James Tung: Sculpture of Jesus and St. Peter at Church of the Primacy of St. Peter
James Tung: Church of the Primacy of St. Peter
James Tung: Mensa Christi at Church of the Primacy of St. Peter
James Tung: Capernaum
James Tung: Capernaum
James Tung: Capernaum
James Tung: Capernaum
James Tung: Sculpture of St. Peter at Capernaum
James Tung: 心靈貧窮的人有福了,因為天國是他們的。
James Tung: 哀慟的人有福了,因為他們必得安慰。
James Tung: 謙和的人有福了,因為他們必承受土地。
James Tung: 飢渴慕義的人有福了,因為他們必得飽足。
James Tung: 憐憫人的人有福了,因為他們必蒙憐憫。
James Tung: 清心的人有福了,因為他們必得見神。
James Tung: 締造和平的人有福了,因為他們必稱為神的兒子。
James Tung: 為義受迫害的人有福了,因為天國是他們的。
James Tung: Mount of Beatitudes
James Tung: Mount of Beatitudes