James Tung: a tire store!!
James Tung: Suburban commnunity near Pretoria, South Africa
James Tung: Suburban commnunity near Pretoria, South Africa
James Tung: Union Buildings in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: the beautiful garden in front of Union Buildings in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: the Cannon in front of Union Buildings in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: Union Buildings in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: Union Buildings in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: the beautiful garden in front of Union Buildings in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: Street vendor in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: Street vendor in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: watch out for antelope!!
James Tung: Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria, SA
James Tung: Downtown of Johannesburg
James Tung: Peacocks everywhere at Gold Reef City
James Tung: The stampmill at the gate of Gold Reef City
James Tung: The stampmill at the gate of Gold Reef City
James Tung: No firearm allowed at the theme park :)
James Tung: Underground mine tour at Gold Reef City
James Tung: Underground mine tour at Gold Reef City
James Tung: Underground mine tour at Gold Reef City
James Tung: Viewing Johannesburg from Gold Reef City
James Tung: Train station in Johannesburg
James Tung: Train station in Johannesburg
James Tung: Nelson Mandela Square
James Tung: Nelson Mandela Square
James Tung: Nelson Mandela Square
James Tung: Nelson Mandela Square