James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Surprise Cave:a huge limestone cave at Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Surprise Cave: a huge limestone cave at Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Dinner time on Syrena
James Tung: Night view at Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Dinner time on Syrena
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Mobile vendor at Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: Halong Bay 下龍灣
James Tung: nice bathroom of our cabin on Syrena
James Tung: our cabin on Syrena, not big but cozy
James Tung: Huge fleet at Halong Bay, reminds you Cariabbean Pirates or Red Cliff?
James Tung: Huge fleet at Halong Bay, remind you Cariabbean Pirates or Red Cliff?
James Tung: nice dining room on Syrena
James Tung: a 3 flag cruiser next to us
James Tung: our cruiser - Syrena. Started operation in 2011
James Tung: our cruiser - Syrena. Started operation in 2011
James Tung: breakfast on the crusier, Syrena