JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein and few other mannequins
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein and few other mannequins
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein and few other mannequins
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein and few other mannequins
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein and few other mannequin
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein and few other mannequins
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein and few other mannequins
JAMES @ studio 136:
JAMES @ studio 136:
JAMES @ studio 136:
Roostein mannequin
JAMES @ studio 136:
January joins the Rootstein girl .
JAMES @ studio 136:
January joins the Rootstein girl .
JAMES @ studio 136:
January joins the Rootstein girl .
JAMES @ studio 136:
Moved around the Rootstein made room for more.
JAMES @ studio 136:
Moved around the Rootstein made room for more.
JAMES @ studio 136:
Moved around the Rootstein made room for more. Jodie Collins .
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein party mannequins
JAMES @ studio 136:
JAMES @ studio 136:
Rootstein dreams in blast of colour .