turini2: Good dog!
turini2: Portobello Market
turini2: A pub with eyes
turini2: Colourful houses!
turini2: Portobello colourful curve
turini2: Green and Red
turini2: Taxi!
turini2: Holland Park
turini2: Design Museum
turini2: Costume design for Die Zauberflöte (The Magic Flute)
turini2: JUMP bike
turini2: UNITE
turini2: City time-lapse from the top of a double deck bus
turini2: Bookshelf, January 2020
turini2: Traffic from Mile End Bridge
turini2: (blur of) traffic from Mile End Bridge
turini2: Traffic from Mile End Bridge
turini2: Turning 425 bus
turini2: Scooters and bikes
turini2: Shaky bus
turini2: New London taxi, black and white
turini2: New London taxi, colour
turini2: Paddington Brunel art
turini2: London Eye from Hungerford Bridge I
turini2: London Eye from Hungerford Bridge II
turini2: Spring? Surely not!
turini2: French press / cafetière
turini2: iPhone 8 Plus (and assorted desk clutter)
turini2: Alys
turini2: East London Liquor Co - Small Plates