turini2: Polygon pot II
turini2: Polygon pot I
turini2: Stripy courgette
turini2: Sunset at KLG
turini2: Synergi
turini2: The morning after the night before
turini2: Mini USB to lightning
turini2: Kingston Bridge
turini2: John Lewis Kingston at dusk
turini2: #LondonIsOpen
turini2: Sail boats
turini2: 4079
turini2: Sailing on the Thames
turini2: November 11th
turini2: Hot Coffee on a cold day
turini2: Red Cup '16
turini2: Horse sketch
turini2: Yellow trees
turini2: John Lewis stripes
turini2: Diagram
turini2: Beer Cider Food
turini2: The Albion, Fairfield, Kingston
turini2: Fairfield
turini2: Cornish Pasties
turini2: Costa Christmas
turini2: Finally, a new MBP!
turini2: What's in the box
turini2: Closeup
turini2: Touch ID is a marvel
turini2: The new MacBook Pro, with Touch Bar