turini2: Crowded streets at Nuit Blanche '12
turini2: Shadow selfie
turini2: The Canadian Bank of Commerce
turini2: Nuit Blanche blur
turini2: City lights blur
turini2: "It's Broccoli!!"
turini2: Ryerson Image Arts @ Nuit Blanche
turini2: Ryerson Image Arts
turini2: Museum for the End of the World
turini2: Rapture (begins)
turini2: Number of Players = Zero
turini2: Waiting for the singularity is getting dull
turini2: Failed Experiments
turini2: Oops I did it again
turini2: Red
turini2: This was creepy.
turini2: Direction
turini2: Metamorphosis
turini2: Alien
turini2: Survivalism
turini2: Beaver
turini2: STOP
turini2: AHOY!
turini2: Obsolescence
turini2: Look, a 1984 Macintosh!
turini2: Exeunt
turini2: King at 5am
turini2: Waiting for the Sunrise on the Waterfront
turini2: Jackie and Ashley!
turini2: 6:40am on the waterfront, dawn about to break