james_prescott: IMG_1187
james_prescott: IMG_1188
james_prescott: IMG_1189
james_prescott: IMG_1190
james_prescott: IMG_1191
james_prescott: IMG_1192
james_prescott: IMG_1193
james_prescott: Making Christmas Ornaments
james_prescott: IMG_1195
james_prescott: Griffin sees Buzz on TV at the Macy's Parade
james_prescott: IMG_1198
james_prescott: IMG_1199
james_prescott: IMG_1200
james_prescott: IMG_1202
james_prescott: IMG_1203
james_prescott: IMG_1204
james_prescott: IMG_1205
james_prescott: Holding the Wishbone
james_prescott: An even break on the wishbone
james_prescott: IMG_1211
james_prescott: IMG_1212
james_prescott: IMG_1213
james_prescott: IMG_1214
james_prescott: Making Christmas Door hangers
james_prescott: More Hot Tub
james_prescott: Horseshoes
james_prescott: Tether Ball
james_prescott: IMG_1219
james_prescott: Water Gun!
james_prescott: IMG_1221