James O'Gorman: The invasion begins
James O'Gorman: Zombie_005
James O'Gorman: Zombie_010
James O'Gorman: Vegetarian zombie
James O'Gorman: Zombie_015
James O'Gorman: Zombie_017
James O'Gorman: Zombie_019
James O'Gorman: Brains!
James O'Gorman: Zombie_033
James O'Gorman: Zombie_034
James O'Gorman: Zombie_048
James O'Gorman: Zombie_055
James O'Gorman: Cabbie attack
James O'Gorman: Zombie_071
James O'Gorman: Zombie_080
James O'Gorman: Zombie_085
James O'Gorman: Zombie minion
James O'Gorman: The child catcher
James O'Gorman: Zombie_129
James O'Gorman: Zombie_131
James O'Gorman: Zombie_137