james lj: Return of the swallows
james lj: Red-winged Blackbird
james lj: Frosty Blue Jay
james lj: Red-breasted Nuthatch
james lj: Through the Magic Window II
james lj: Purple Finch (female)
james lj: American Robin
james lj: Cedar Waxwing
james lj: Red-winged Blackbird
james lj: Tree Swallow
james lj: Female House Finch and companion
james lj: Black-capped Chickadee
james lj: Cedar Waxwing
james lj: Cooper's Hawk
james lj: Savannah Sparrow
james lj: Black-capped Chickadee
james lj: Mourning Dove
james lj: American Tree Sparrow
james lj: Bananaquit
james lj: IMG_5687
james lj: 3753
james lj: Downy Woodpecker
james lj: Downy Woodpecker
james lj: Least Sandpiper
james lj: Canada Goose
james lj: IMG_1676