James Laing: Time for a cigarette?
James Laing: Elephants
James Laing: A little poser
James Laing: Happy family
James Laing: Happy family
James Laing: Happy family
James Laing: Oh, we march from here to there
James Laing: Grévy's Zebra
James Laing: I'm sure there's a phrase for it
James Laing: Early morning on the plains
James Laing: img182
James Laing: img026
James Laing: Giraffe
James Laing: Giraffe
James Laing: What are you looking at, I'm just doing a poo
James Laing: Giraffe
James Laing: img188
James Laing: img187
James Laing: img185
James Laing: Starlings
James Laing: Where the buffalo roam
James Laing: They are short sighted aren't they?
James Laing: They are short sighted aren't they?
James Laing: Gazelle
James Laing: Samburu elephant