jamesks: pulling up carpets
jamesks: sanding
jamesks: more sanding
jamesks: half way through sanding
jamesks: Detail of edge of flat roof
jamesks: Edinburgh Roof, Marchmont
jamesks: detail of edge of flat roof
jamesks: lifting the lead flashing between flat and pitched roof
jamesks: Hot water at last!
jamesks: DSC04788
jamesks: DSC04775
jamesks: dance room
jamesks: breaking the wall
jamesks: Smashing down the ceiling
jamesks: Smashing down the ceiling
jamesks: Smashing down the ceiling
jamesks: Smashing down the ceiling
jamesks: DSCF4555
jamesks: DSCF4553
jamesks: DSCF4550
jamesks: DSCF4547
jamesks: DSCF4545
jamesks: DSCF4543
jamesks: DSCF4541
jamesks: DSCF4538
jamesks: DSCF4537
jamesks: DSCF4536
jamesks: DSC05470
jamesks: DSC05471
jamesks: DSC05483