jamesinnottingham: Finn Spicer (Bristol) Introduction: ‘The Goals of Experimental Philosophy’
jamesinnottingham: David Papineau (KCL) ‘The Significance of Experimental Philosophy’
jamesinnottingham: Krist Vaesen & Martin Peterson (Eindhoven) ‘Knowledge and the Quality of Information’
jamesinnottingham: Matthew Kieran (presenting) (Leeds) & Aaron Meskin (Leeds) ‘Aesthetic Judgement: Mere Exposure, Value and Expertise’
jamesinnottingham: Florian Cova (presenting) (Institut Jean Nicod) & Hichem Naar (Manchester) ‘Does intentional action come from the deep self?’
jamesinnottingham: Katinka Quintelier (presenting) (UCLA/Ghent) and Daniel Fessler (UCLA) ‘Harm, authority and generalizability: further experiments on the moral/conventional distinction’
jamesinnottingham: Florian asks a question 2
jamesinnottingham: Florian asks a question 1
jamesinnottingham: Julian Baggini (The Philosophers’ Magazine) ‘The Bundlists’ Conjecture’
jamesinnottingham: After break
jamesinnottingham: Stephen Stich (presenting) (Rutgers) & Wesley Buckwalter (CUNY) 'Gender and Philosophical Intuition: Why are there so few women in philosophy?'
jamesinnottingham: ... to the pub