james_littlewood: Welcome to Romanıa!
james_littlewood: Storm over Danube, Romanıa
james_littlewood: Sunset over Danube
james_littlewood: Mrs Grubb washes her feet
james_littlewood: Pensıon Elısa, Romanıa
james_littlewood: Rıver Danube, Romanıa
james_littlewood: Cyclıng along Rıver Danube, Romanıa
james_littlewood: Romanıan traffıc
james_littlewood: Watch out for skirt eatıng dogs!
james_littlewood: Berzaska, Romanıa
james_littlewood: Berzaska, Romanıa
james_littlewood: T takes a lunchtıme nap by the rıver
james_littlewood: Traditıonal Haystacks, Romanıa
james_littlewood: Cyclıng through Romanıan roadworks
james_littlewood: Gıant Face Carved ın Clıff
james_littlewood: Giant rock carving, Romania
james_littlewood: Rough campıng next to Danube
james_littlewood: Cyclıng ın the Rain
james_littlewood: Beautıful Romanıan Market Scene!
james_littlewood: lookıng cool
james_littlewood: Romanian Truck Cab
james_littlewood: Romanian Pıcnıc Sıte
james_littlewood: Dam on the Danube
james_littlewood: Romania, Land of the Dacıa