jamesccarpenter: Doug on breakwater Poole Harbour
jamesccarpenter: Me on breakwater poole harbour
jamesccarpenter: Mast of Calisto
jamesccarpenter: Mike swimming in Poole Harbour off of Calisto
jamesccarpenter: Lilly in Mum and Dads pond at home
jamesccarpenter: Mike looking at sunset from Calisto in Poole Harbour
jamesccarpenter: Cleaning the bottom of Calisto, Poole Harbour
jamesccarpenter: Doug trys to put Mike off of making Tea
jamesccarpenter: Emma, Grass, Iain, Lisa and Doug throwing grass!
jamesccarpenter: Emma, Iain, Doug and Lisa
jamesccarpenter: Doug, Jacob, Iain, Sarah and Chris at a BBQ at Sarahs parents house
jamesccarpenter: Alisons Graduation
jamesccarpenter: Tim in Abingdon
jamesccarpenter: My Spitfire
jamesccarpenter: My Spitfire + Stuarts Car
jamesccarpenter: River Wye
jamesccarpenter: River Wye
jamesccarpenter: Doug, Roz, Iain, Div, Tim, Becca, Chris and Me
jamesccarpenter: Div, Ian, Roz having a long breakfast Northleis Campsite
jamesccarpenter: Div, Roz and Chris, Walking in Snow ontop of Kinderscout
jamesccarpenter: Roz Hiding and Div in Little John Hathersage
jamesccarpenter: Chris using Binoculars, North Leighs Campsite
jamesccarpenter: Chris' Dinner a the Little John North Leighs Campsite
jamesccarpenter: Chris, Doug and Tim Kinder Downfall in Snow
jamesccarpenter: Tim and Me camping in Bala
jamesccarpenter: Doug getting ready to Ski in MK center
jamesccarpenter: Doug and bike in Harlich
jamesccarpenter: Tim and Doug biving near roman steps
jamesccarpenter: Mum and Dad passing kendal mint cake
jamesccarpenter: Spud-nick