Steven Vance:
sticker showing the City of Wuppertal logo
Steven Vance:
Four boats on the Rhine River
Steven Vance:
Nonnenwerth island
Steven Vance:
Drachenfelsbahn (“dragon rock train”), mountaintop station
Steven Vance:
Cologne/Köln: plaza on the west side of the Rhine River
Steven Vance:
Bonn, in the distance, seen from the walk down from Drachenfels
Steven Vance:
This riverfront park and path could possibly be improved by adding a highway
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Köln Hauptbahnhof (at night)
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Watching the cog railway is fun for the whole family
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Steven Vance:
The new Schwebebahn vehicles have huge rear windows and six seats arranged to look out
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Zoo station on Linie 60 (the only Schwebebahn line in Wuppertal)
Steven Vance:
Pfand bottle collector in Frankfurt
Steven Vance:
Bus lane and U-bahn (a bigger tram?) in Frankfurt
Steven Vance:
Apparently Frankfurt is the most American city in Germany, and potentially that’s why I like coming here. However, no large American city has such a large pedestrian shopping street.
Steven Vance:
Interesting bike path ramp to cross the intersection behind me to get to Bethmann Park
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Directional signage (to find your train) at Konstablerwache station
Steven Vance:
Artwork and a U4/U5 lines strip map in the Konstablerwache station
Steven Vance:
Entrance to the subway station from the C&A store at Zeil
Steven Vance:
Super simple modal filtering
Steven Vance:
Arriving into Koblenz