Steven Vance: Mom holding on to her youngest daughter in the windy weather
Steven Vance: Buses in a line at Eindhoven Centraal
Steven Vance: Pride tunnel in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Luchthaven Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Sissy Boy store / Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Me bicycling on the Hovenring in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Bear pit, a below-grade bicycle roundabout in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Bear pit, a below-grade bicycle roundabout in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Bear pit, a below-grade bicycle roundabout in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Bear pit, a below-grade bicycle roundabout in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Bear pit, a below-grade bicycle roundabout in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Media Markt shelves
Steven Vance: Cantilevered building in Eindhoven
Steven Vance: Train from Venlo to Eindhoven