Steven Vance: Austin
Steven Vance: Austin
Steven Vance: Austin
Steven Vance: A pedicabber in Austin waits for a fare
Steven Vance: Austin
Steven Vance: Another pole in Austin wrapped in plastic so stickers and flyers can be removed easily
Steven Vance: Relaxing outside Austin's city hall
Steven Vance: HootSuite hired the beer bike in downtown Austin for SXSW
Steven Vance: Can you believe that this is the Austin city hall?
Steven Vance: As far as Austin parking garages go, this one isn't so bad
Steven Vance: Texas Capitol building in Austin
Steven Vance: Hangar's bar and restaurant in downtown Austin
Steven Vance: Downtown Austin bars and restaurants
Steven Vance: Urban Outfitters store in downtown Austin
Steven Vance: Austin's city hall
Steven Vance: Daniel making a point about posing for photographs
Steven Vance: Coasters made of tiles at an Austin gift shop
Steven Vance: City of Austin Power Plant
Steven Vance: I wish you were here - Austin
Steven Vance: Do you return a bike by cycling it into the dock?
Steven Vance: Sign giving instructions on how to do back-in angle parking
Steven Vance: Stormwater infrastructure in Austin at a bus stop
Steven Vance: Daniel talking about the dynamics of posing for photos on an Austin pedestrian bridge
Steven Vance: Really cool pedestrian and bicycle bridge in Austin
Steven Vance: Austin
Steven Vance: You see, Austin is like...Daniel, on the merits of having your photo taken on a pedestrian bridge
Steven Vance: Austin
Steven Vance: Austin
Steven Vance: Austin, City of Bats
Steven Vance: Austin