Steven Vance:
Annie calls the Navy Pier Flyover construction detour "a disaster" and "embarrassing for the city" because of the 30,000 daily Lakefront Trail users
Steven Vance:
Mike Amsden describes bikeway component of the Central Loop BRT project
Steven Vance:
Mike Amsden describes bikeway component of the Central Loop BRT project
Steven Vance:
Mike Amsden describes bikeway component of the Central Loop BRT project
Steven Vance:
Mike Amsden describes bikeway component of the Central Loop BRT project
Steven Vance:
Mike Amsden describes bikeway component of the Central Loop BRT project
Steven Vance:
Mike Amsden describes bikeway component of the Central Loop BRT project
Steven Vance:
Mike Amsden describes bikeway component of the Central Loop BRT project