Steven Vance:
Traffic calming with a double parked car
Steven Vance:
The only thing missing is a street name sign
Steven Vance:
This is not a filter
Steven Vance:
Steven Vance:
Bioswale and curb extension
Steven Vance:
Traffic circle, no stop signs
Steven Vance:
Bicycling in the main direction on Berteau
Steven Vance:
Sharrows placement, it's in the door zone
Steven Vance:
Curb extension at Ashland
Steven Vance:
Sharrow placed in door zone
Steven Vance:
Clark Street pedestrian and concrete turning island
Steven Vance:
Alderman Schulter says "slow, watch for children"
Steven Vance:
Green pavement at Ashland
Steven Vance:
Green pavement at Ashland
Steven Vance:
Green pavement at Clark
Steven Vance:
Green pavement at Clark