Q-Panda: IMG_20086
Michael Pancier Photography: My Dream Secretary
BearCubSG: Drive time
Q-Panda: M-1000189
coachbear: great legs...
Q-Panda: P1090843
豬豬人PIG MAN: Teddy Bear
BRWNflickr: Brwn & Will
呆同學: 郵輪上-1
BRWNflickr: brwn.pride
Tank☆Prince: image_1359454490271638
Q-Panda: P1090633
Q-Panda: OSAKA
Kieran Kuek Photography: Joni & John 02
Q-Panda: M-1090495
Talita Oliveira: Dia do Basta
馬‧修 | M a t t h e w: 菊池氏龜殼花
BearCubSG: DSC00276
BearCubSG: DSC00284
Michael Pancier Photography: Infrared Garden of the Gods
Michael Pancier Photography: Peak to Peak in Infrared
coachbear: Yep I look like shit, so tired, but the last couple of weeks at work have been amazing. If only I could actually do this all the time...
Michael Pancier Photography: Iceberg Pass Infrared Adventure
genta genta: 與可愛的美眉們
: 154769_343054339094715_100001704542032_910729_1631528135_n