James Alexander Jack: Tori Shinto gate covered by moss
James Alexander Jack: Temple in clouds, Mount Daisen
James Alexander Jack: Red tori Shinto gates
James Alexander Jack: Kyoto Temple Lanterns
James Alexander Jack: Izumo Taisha - Grand Shrine of Izumo
James Alexander Jack: Obon mourners chanting Buddhist sutras
James Alexander Jack: Obon Festival Lanterns floating on Lake Shinji, Matsue, Japan
James Alexander Jack: Yamabushi Shugendo Fire Ritual, Matsue Japan
James Alexander Jack: Burn In Hell!
James Alexander Jack: Moss covered Jizo Boddhisattva
James Alexander Jack: Japanese Christian Church Wedding in Izumo
James Alexander Jack: Bodhisattva statues at Tachikue Gorge, Japan
James Alexander Jack: Ban and Lion
James Alexander Jack: Peeking Miko
James Alexander Jack: Shichi-Go-San children's shrine visit at Izumo Taisha
James Alexander Jack: City of the Living, City of the Dead
James Alexander Jack: Miyajima Sunset
James Alexander Jack: Yamabushi taking the train